søndag 5. desember 2010

Oblig 6

This is a continued part of oblig 5. What we needed to do in this assignment was to sit inn a group and decide witch of our personal treatments we wanted to go the step further with and make a storyboard and animatic.

I ended up in a group with

Martine Sletner http://martine3d.wordpress.com/

Ole Hansen http://neox1986.wordpress.com/

Christian Relling http://www.crappymation.com/ "contains a really nice walktrough of the story in a nice frame to frame style" recommended to take a look.

Together we decided to go for Ole's story.

basically, this story is about a boy, and teddy bears, action and dramatic happening.


Step 1: After we were done picking the story we wanted we sat down discussing it so we all were on the same page and had a similar idea of what Ole's main plans was.

Step 2: Then we sat down and everyone drew a really rough storyboard that we later cut in frames and hang up on the wall, this way we could add, remove and edit shots really efficient and everyone got a clear overview of the story.

Step 3: Now it was time to clean the storyboard up a little for readability. For this we assigned one drawer to maintain one style trough the whole storyboard. And for some reasons they liked my drawings so i were the lucky guy to redraw the story.

Step 4: As i painted page for page i could send the pages i were done with to Christian that added camera icons, movement arrows, text. All the details that makes it a storyboard and not a cartoon basically.

step 5: For each page Christian got done with, were send to Ole that started adding them up in a animatic as all this is going Martine is doing some really rough 3d previz of the whole story. But this we get closer inn to in the next oblig.

Camera angels:

Ole had almost all the important angels settled before we started, so in the rough passes we all painted, he made sure he drew them so we all knew how this were gonna be. Some changes was made when we planted them on the wall. So since we all were pritey happy with what Ole had picked out there wasn't really much more to do with the angels.



If we had more time and when i look back on the storyboard now there is only minor changes i would have made. One is add a more introducing shot in the start of the movie. and the second is just some minor compositions tweaks here and there. We fixed some but not all.


Overall this has bin a good learning experience, really get to feel how a group need to work together and how you see the birth of a short film evolve.
Hope i can work with something like this in the near future professionally.

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