torsdag 16. juni 2011


I know these drawings ain't much to be proud of.
When it comes to pencil drawing i really like the sketchy style. You know when a painter is gonna paint a beautiful image he makes a really light and rough sketch on paper before he starts painting with his brush. THAT style is great. Unfortunately I'm not even close to that.

I also have to say that these drawings are bit half hearted because of the main 3D project we just completed it haven't bin much time to paint on. So some of the paintings were made while rendering and others before i vent to bed :)

mandag 6. juni 2011


Then the last assignment on Noroff 3D film is done. If you are interested in reading more about it or see the final video
take a look at the short movie blogg that you can finde here :

This movie were made in a group so we found it easier to make a blogg together then all off us posting about this assignment individual on our personal blogg..

Take a look. You might like it :)


Mats Ottesen

mandag 31. januar 2011

Story ideas

Idea 1:

This story is about a egg. a egg that hasn't fully hatched yet and is struggling to remove the last pieces of his shell. all he got is hes feet and ears. With those he's running unknown out of the nest out in the world. Luckily protected with a hard shell when the danger lurks but also unluckily hidden when love and friends try to help.

This is gonna be a cartoonist setting, in a Disney setup of a story.

Idea 2:

This idea is not really a story but a idea for a short. I have heard alot of funny songs and why not make a animated music video or a "short" that builds on the lyrics from a song. Giving the animator full freedom to understand the lyrics his own way.

have no specific song in mind just yet so the idea is kinda a work in progress.

torsdag 16. desember 2010

Obesrvational drawing

This semester we were told to draw 12 observational drawing.
that means we had alot of time to do it on......sadly.....most of us forgot it and it becaume a frustrating momentum here in the end. were we also was rounding up the last oblig of this semester.

Luckely im done and here can you see some of my results.

Im more of a sketcher the na renderer so alot of my work were more trying to quickly sketch out forms and structure from what i see. I was hoping to paint some oudor landscape but since i waited until wintertime i din't dear to do so.


 a Majo tube, and a profile portret of my deskbuddy

 sketches of some things i found in the basement

 my did i manage to draw this image?

 more sketches of things hanging around

 My hand. 

 The view from the classroom. 

Oblig 7 and 8

Then we are finaly seeing the end of this marathon race.

Idea - check

drawings - check

storyboard - Check

Animatic and 3d previz - dobbel check

After the process of making the storyboard we were told to make a animatic and a 3d previz. animatic is more or less a animated storyboard that gives a better impression of timing and camera movement. And the 3d previs is a 3d pass of the animatic.

Since everyone in the group already was assigned we just kept working. Ole was finishing of the last pieces of the animatic. Martine was finishing of some of here already started 3d work. Since me and Christian was done with the 2D part we jumped in and tweaked and made the scenes Martine had made render ready.

The 3d previz were build up by only simple primitives and easy animations. we didn't care to much about hiding props and minor errors. This is the first 3d pass. If we were to make a short film there would at least come a bunch of 3d passes after this one.

After the basic animation and models we trew some colore on to it, makeing it  not so boring, even tho im a fan of clay renders.

Since there was alot of ups and downs this week we lost some of the connection. So when the render were done, there were some parts of the 3d previz that weren't all accepted by the group. So we did a quick jump back in max, fixt the details and rendered out again.

I wish i could talk more about how the animatic was made and all that but that was Ole's job so jump over to his blog to check more out

As i posted earlier my job were mainly the 2d part. But i also did some of the camera animation and 3d setup for the 3d previz.

To read more about the 3d previz start and ideas. Check out Martines blog and how she started out forming the scenes.

Overal it have bin an experienced proess doing this. you get a good view on whats expected from you as an artist in a group and whats needed of comunications and efford. Im really glad we got to do this before the big assignement we get next year.

If we had bin given more time i whould perfection the previz we already have instead of making more of the movie. Im a huge eyecandy fan, so i had a hard time watching this previz getting rendered without FG, lights, textures and all that sweeties :) hehe

søndag 5. desember 2010

Oblig 6

This is a continued part of oblig 5. What we needed to do in this assignment was to sit inn a group and decide witch of our personal treatments we wanted to go the step further with and make a storyboard and animatic.

I ended up in a group with

Martine Sletner

Ole Hansen

Christian Relling "contains a really nice walktrough of the story in a nice frame to frame style" recommended to take a look.

Together we decided to go for Ole's story.

basically, this story is about a boy, and teddy bears, action and dramatic happening.


Step 1: After we were done picking the story we wanted we sat down discussing it so we all were on the same page and had a similar idea of what Ole's main plans was.

Step 2: Then we sat down and everyone drew a really rough storyboard that we later cut in frames and hang up on the wall, this way we could add, remove and edit shots really efficient and everyone got a clear overview of the story.

Step 3: Now it was time to clean the storyboard up a little for readability. For this we assigned one drawer to maintain one style trough the whole storyboard. And for some reasons they liked my drawings so i were the lucky guy to redraw the story.

Step 4: As i painted page for page i could send the pages i were done with to Christian that added camera icons, movement arrows, text. All the details that makes it a storyboard and not a cartoon basically.

step 5: For each page Christian got done with, were send to Ole that started adding them up in a animatic as all this is going Martine is doing some really rough 3d previz of the whole story. But this we get closer inn to in the next oblig.

Camera angels:

Ole had almost all the important angels settled before we started, so in the rough passes we all painted, he made sure he drew them so we all knew how this were gonna be. Some changes was made when we planted them on the wall. So since we all were pritey happy with what Ole had picked out there wasn't really much more to do with the angels.



If we had more time and when i look back on the storyboard now there is only minor changes i would have made. One is add a more introducing shot in the start of the movie. and the second is just some minor compositions tweaks here and there. We fixed some but not all.


Overall this has bin a good learning experience, really get to feel how a group need to work together and how you see the birth of a short film evolve.
Hope i can work with something like this in the near future professionally.

Olig 5 - Treatment

So this oblig is actually made together with oblig 6 and 7. but i gonna post this one as a separate post.

We all got the assignment to write a story. well don't really a story its a treatment, that means "a story but with serten rules.

for instance don't use names, or dialog. And the first time you write about the main character you want it to be in BIG LETTERS.

I did my treatment i two passes. but only gonna post the last one.
The response i got on the first one was, that the readers felt sorry for the animals and not the chef.......ya i kinda lost the whole point of the story right there. So i really had to rework that one. So i hope you that reads this feel sorry for the chef and not the animals :) hehe enjoy.

PS: the treatment is written in Norwegian.

Tidlig tidlig en morgen sto KOKKEN opp, opp før alle andre mens det ennå var litt mørkt, han skulle bake brød og kaker til hoffs personalet og resten av flokken. Som en ung og nyutdannet kok så var dette hans mulighet. Så flittig som han var, var han ned på kjøkkenet I et blunk, med hodet inni de ulike skapene finner han frem alle de ulike ingrediensene, han skrur på ovnene, og platen med kokende vann. Dette var veldig viktig for den spinkle kokken så , han tar en siste titt på bake liste hvor han ser at han mangler noe, og det noe viktig. Han kan ikke bak noe som hels uten melk eller egg. Heldigvis var ikke dette noe problem, siden kongen hadde sine egne kyr og høns. Og kongen likte disse råvarene helt ferske.

Kokken tar med seg en krakk og et span og går ut I bakgården. Sola har stått opp og det er lyst og fint ute. Kyra star I stallen, men er ikke helt våken for å melkes ennå. I det kokken napper I jura på en første kua, brå våkner den med å slå bakbena hardt ifra seg. Kokken flyger så hard I veggen at han havner I grisebingen på andre siden. Der sitter dein feite kongegrisen og gotter seg gått når han ser den hall svimte kokken. Fast motivert på å skaffe melka drar han igjen. Kyra er nå våken men ennå oppskaket. Han setter seg ned på sia og starter å melke, men siden kua ikke klarer og stå I ro, må han hele tiden flytte seg litt etter litt etter litt etter litt. Og dette blir veldig tungvint. Endelig er han ferdig han tar med seg spannet og setter det utenfor hønse huset nå trenger han bare et par egg. Grisen som ikke nesten ikke har noe pust igjen etter all latteren følgr godt med med de tykke svine øynene sine. Kokken titter inn og ser at alle hønene sover. Han setter fra seg spannet og lister seg forsiktig forsiktig inn, kommer seg inn og starterr å plukke noen av eggene. Dette syntes kongegrisen var utrolig kjedelig å se på, han vill ha liv!! Så han starter og lage et uhærlig arbalder, noe som selvsagt vekker alle hønene. Den stakkar kokken blir angrepet av alle hønsa i huset, å i all fjær røyken og hylinga klarer den stakkarslige kokken å snuble i melke spannet og glir inn I grisebingen igjen. Den store feite grisen synes dette er utrolig artig og sitt og storkoser seg I gjørma. No er kokken lei. Han begynner og få det travel I det han hører kongen starter og våkne på slotts rommet rett over hagen. Han løper inn på kjøkkenet igjen, henter fram noen kjeler og kasseroller og armerer seg som en ridder, nå skal eggene hentes!

I utfarten ut igjennom døra starter han en kjede reaksjon som går igjennom hele kjøkkenet. Kokken stormer inn I hønse huset, alle driv og hakker på han, men så armert som han er får han alle eggene han trenger. Så løper han forbi grise bingen vor den feite grisen følger godt med. Kyra kjenner ikke igjen kokken I den nye fjær rustningen så de star der mer eller mindre helt I ro “forskrekket” han løfter ene spannet av hodet og fyller den med melk.

Godt fornøyd sender kokken grisen et litt hånlig blikk før han tusler inn på kjøkkenet for å gjøre ferdig siste forberedelsene. Men I det han åpner kjøkken døra møter han til sin store forskrekkelse, kjøkkenet er brent ned til grunnen på grunn av et håndkle hadde havnet på steke platene. Han mister alt I bakken med et brak, du leser I ansiktet hans at hele verdenen går under der og da. Det hele blir stoppet med at gris flire seg skakk seg igjæl. Dette gir kokken en ide. Et, stygt blikk og en plutselig så red gris. Kongen kommer ned I hage til dekt bor og en hel grillet gris på spyd står og venter på han. Med en aldri så fornøyd kokk som står og marinerer den.